Please Find The Necessary Disclaimer Form Below: Parents / Guardians & Under 5's Disclaimer Is Further Down The Page.

Compulsary to go on the ramps

Online Disclaimer Form:For Over 16's & Under 16's

If it's your first time attending Just Ramps, you will need to fill out our online disclaimer form in order to be allowed on the ramps. If you are not on our online database, you will not be allowed to ride or spectate on the ramps. 

If you are under the age of 16, you will need your parent or carer to fill out the disclaimer form on your behalf. 

Compulsory to go on the ramps

Disclaimer Form For: Parents/Guardians & Under 5 Year Olds.

Due to the different risks involved for Under 5s & Spectators, we have a seperate disclaimer form you will need to fill out.

Takes 2 Minutes

Once completed, you can ride Just Ramps!

Only do it once

You'll never be asked to do the Online Form again.